Guide for Online Study & Remote Work
This is the page that we moved from "Guide for Online Study & Remote Work" .
A page that explains how to set up your off-campus access to e-resources (books, journals, newspapers, databases, etc.) subscribed to by the University of Tokyo:
Service Status
- The latest information on library services
- Information on overseas university libraries
A page that introduces search tools and electronic resources that support learning at home: Click here(Left menu ”Off-Campus”) Please refer to.
Using a database
The University of Tokyo subscribes to numerous newspapers, language dictionaries, and databases. Please go the "Database List" to find a detabase.
Using e-books and e-journals
- E-journal & E-book Portal
- E-journals and e-books have off-campus connections are indicated an icon of "via Off-Campus access service" or "Free".
- Please check the part that shows "from 1987/10/01 to 2000/10/31".
You cannot view articles that are outside the range of contracted years.
- The University of Tokyo OPAC
- You can search e-books and e-journals using OPAC.
E-journal & E-book Portal does not allow you to search e-books by author's name, but OPAC allows you to search by author's name. However, e-books have the disadvantage that the amount of information may be large or small, depending on the individual title. (For example, there is no author name data or publisher data.) Therefore, there may be cases where a hit cannot be found by author's name. In such cases, you can use e-books by following links from paper books or journals (with some exceptions).
- Japan Knowledge Lib
- Toyo Bunko, Bunko Kuseju Best Collection, Jinbutsu Sosho, The Complete Collection of Japanese Classical Literature (New Edition) etc. are available.
Individual titles are not currently searchable in the University of Tokyo OPAC. Please log in to Japan Knowledge Lib and use the bookshelf menu on the right side of Basic Search.
- Toyo Bunko, Bunko Kuseju Best Collection, Jinbutsu Sosho, The Complete Collection of Japanese Classical Literature (New Edition) etc. are available.
To use electronic resources without disruption
- Excessive downloading may result in the suspension of access to e-resources for the entire UTokyo network and it may not recover during the remote study period.
Useful free search tools and electronic resources for the remote study period Search for articles
Open Access Journal
- DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals)
- A site for open access journals. Only reliable journals examined as properly peer-reviewed with reliable sources are listed.
- E-journal publication platform for Japanese academic journals. Those with "FREE ACCESS" and "OPEN ACCESS" icons are released for free.
- An open access dissertation archive run by the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI), a department within the National Library of Medicine at the National Institutes of Health (NIH).
- Biological / Medical: A search platform for publishers that publish peer-reviewed open access journals.
- Biological / Medical: A search platform for publishers that publish peer-reviewed open access journals.
- See also the "Methods for using Databases" page on the left menu.
Information for Online Class Support
- Online Class/ Web Conference Portal Site @ the University of Tokyo
- Preparing for online classes for new and currently enrolled students (University of Tokyo)
- University Response to Coronavirus Disease 2019-Education and Student Life(University of Tokyo)
- To new/current international students: Notice regarding novel coronavirus-related illness(University of Tokyo)
- On early enforcement of Compensation System for Public Transmission for Educational Purposes(Agency for Cultural Affairs in Japanese)
- Compensation System for Public Transmission for Educational Purposes came into effective on April 28, 2020.
Previously, educational institutions were required to obtain permissions from copyright holders to transmit or copy their original works for the online lecture.
However, by the enforcement of this system, various copyrighted works an now be used more smoothly without individual permission from the copyright holders.
- Compensation System for Public Transmission for Educational Purposes came into effective on April 28, 2020.
Digital Resources related to the University of Tokyo
- UTokyo Repository
- Academic journal articles by faculty members and students of the University of Tokyo, theses, journal articles, and other type materials are open to the public.
- Tokyo Academic Archives Portal
- Digitized academic collections held by the University of Tokyo can be searched, and digital images are available here.
- Digitized academic collections held by the University of Tokyo can be searched, and digital images are available here.
Temporarily accessible E-resources(2020.9.16 updated)
- Please see here.
- Some databases are available from the Database List.
- "A list of COVID-19 resources summarizing information received from publishers and submitted to Japanese Alliance of University Library Consortia for E-Resources (JUSTICE). 2020.4.10“ is NOT updated from April 2020 on this site.
Please see also here. (2020.6.3)
- "A list of COVID-19 resources summarizing information received from publishers and submitted to Japanese Alliance of University Library Consortia for E-Resources (JUSTICE). 2020.4.10“ is NOT updated from April 2020 on this site.
- Question on electronic resources(includes EZproxy)
- University Response to Coronavirus Disease 2019-Education and Student Life