Writing Support
Table of Contents
I. Learning How to Write a Report/Paper
I.1. What is a report/paper?
I.2. Read reference books
I.3. Participate in academic reporting and paper writing support services on campus
I.4. Participate in training sessions
II. What You Need to Know to Write a Report or Paper
II.1. Composition of the paper
II.2. How to prepare bibliography and citation lists
II.3. Using quotations in text
II.4. Reference management software
II.5. Prohibiting plagiarism, and research ethics
III. Publish a Paper
III.1. Submit a paper to a journal
III.2. Review
III.3. Make the paper open access
IV. References and Links
IV.1. Abbreviations and terms used in the bibliography
English images are currently under preparation.
I. Learning How to Write a Report/Paper
I.1. What is a report/paper?
A paper (academic paper, thesis, dissertation) is basically a statement that is structured as shown below, has a certain form, and explains an opinion to the reader on a certain theme with a logical reason. To explain your research clearly to readers, it is also important to devise the expression of titles and abstracts and to organize the composition of sentences.
A report is basically composed in the same way as a paper. It is a piece of writing on a theme or subject given in a class. It would be good to explain the content of the subject or theme based on the lecture, write what you want to do (introduction), write what you have found by researching (body), and end with your own thoughts (conclusion), so that the report is logically developed. An abstract and keywords are not required. Always include a list of references (bibliography) at the end.
Figure : Structure of an academic paper
I.2. Read reference books
Many books have been published about how to write reports and papers. It might be helpful to refer to these books when you start writing a report/paper.
You can also borrow such books from the library. Search by inputting "how to write a paper" in the University of Tokyo Library OPAC.
When you browse books in a bookstack, refer to the NDC classification below. However, all libraries do not necessarily classify books in NDC. In libraries where books are sorted by NDC, you can expect to find such books on shelves around 407 and 816.5, so pick up a book that looks good in front of those shelves.
- 酒井聡樹(1960-). これからレポート・卒論を書く若者のために / 酒井聡樹著. NDC8:816.5; NDC9:816.5. 東京: 共立出版, 2017. 【imply summarized】
- 戸田山和久(1958-). 論文の教室 : レポートから卒論まで / 戸田山和久著. NDC8:816.5; NDC9:816.5; NDLC:UC813. NHKブックス. 東京: NHK出版, 2022.【Some explanation is conversational】
- 木下是雄(1917-2014). レポートの組み立て方 / 木下是雄著. NDC8:816.5; NDLC:UC813. ちくま学芸文庫. 東京: 筑摩書房, 1994.【For humanities】
- 木下是雄(1917-2014). 理科系の作文技術 / 木下是雄著. NDC8:407; NDLC:M112. 中公新書. 東京: 中央公論新社, 2002.【For science】
- Eco, Umberto, 1932-2016, and 谷口勇(1936-). 論文作法 : 調査・研究・執筆の技術と手順 / ウンベルト・エコ著 ; 谷口勇訳. NDC9:801.6; NDC8:801.6; NDC8:876. 東京: 而立書房, 2019.【For graduation thesis】
- 近藤克則(1958-). 研究の育て方 : ゴールとプロセスの「見える化」 / 近藤克則著. NDC8:002.7; NDC9:002.7; NDC9:490.7 NDC10:002.7. 東京: 医学書院, 2018.【Thinking about the research design from scratch】
- 浜田麻里, 平尾得子, and 由井紀久子. 大学生と留学生のための論文ワークブック / 浜田麻里, 平尾得子, 由井紀久子共著. NDC9:816.5; NDC8:816.5; NDLC:UC813. 東京: くろしお出版, 1997.【Hiragana is added】
- 片山晶子, 中嶋隆浩, and 三品由紀子. 理系学生が一番最初に読むべき!英語科学論文の書き方 : IMRaDでわかる科学論文の構造 / 片山晶子編集・執筆 ; 中嶋隆浩, 三品由紀子執筆. NDC8:407; NDC9:407. 東京: 中山書店, 2017.【You can view the entire picture with one book.】
- 長谷川修司. 研究者としてうまくやっていくには : 組織の力を研究に活かす / 長谷川修司著. NDC9:407. ブルーバックス. 東京: 講談社, 2015.【There is a description based on actual experience.】
- Minto, Barbara, 山崎康司, グロービス・マネジメント・インスティテュート, and グロービス. 考える技術・書く技術 : 問題解決力を伸ばすピラミッド原則 / バーバラ・ミント著 ; 山崎康司訳. NDC8:336.55; NDC9:336.55; NDLC:DH251. 東京: ダイヤモンド社, 1999.【Business book】
- 小野義正. ポイントで学ぶ科学英語論文の書き方 / 小野義正著. NDC8:407; NDC9:407; NDLC:M112. 東京: 丸善出版, 2016.
- 小野義正. ポイントで学ぶ科学英語論文の書き方 改訂版. 丸善出版, n.d.
[E Book](on campus)
[E Book](off campus) - Day, Robert A., and 美宅成樹(1949-). はじめての科学英語論文 / Robert A. Day [著] ; 美宅成樹訳. NDC8:407; NDC9:407. 東京: 丸善, 2001.
- Gastel, Barbara, and Day, Robert A., 1924-,. How to Write and Publish a Scientific Paper / Barbara Gastel and Robert A. Day. LCC:T11; DC23:808.06/65. Santa Barbara, Calif.: Greenwood, 2016.
- Wallwork, Adrian, 前平謙二(1959-), 笠川梢, and 講談社サイエンティフィク. ネイティブが教える日本人研究者のための論文の書き方・アクセプト術 / エイドリアン・ウォールワーク著 ; 前平謙二, 笠川梢訳. NDC8:407; NDC9:407; NDC10:407. 東京: 講談社, 2019.
- Wallwork, Adrian. English for Writing Research Papers. Springer, n.d.
[E Book] (on campus)
[E Book] (off campus) - 兵藤申一(1927-). 科学英文技法 / 兵藤申一著. NDC8:407; NDLC:M116. 東京: 東京大学出版会, 2015.
- 日本物理学会. 科学英語論文のすべて / 日本物理学会編. NDC8:407; NDC9:407. 東京: 丸善, 1999.
- Swales, John, and Christine B. Feak. Academic Writing for Graduate Students : Essential Tasks and Skills / John M. Swales & Christine B. Feak. LCC:PE1408. Michigan Series in English for Academic and Professional Purposes. Ann Arbor, [Mich.]: University of Michigan Press, 2012.
- エディテージ, and 熊沢美穂子(1977-). 英文校正会社が教える英語論文のミス100 / エディテージ著 ; 熊沢美穂子訳. NDC8:836.5; NDC9:836.5. 東京: ジャパンタイムズ, 2016.
- エディテージ, and 熊沢美穂子(1977-). 英文校正会社が教える英語論文のミス : 分野別強化編 / エディテージ著 ; 熊沢美穂子訳. NDC8:836.5; NDC9:836.5. 東京: ジャパンタイムズ, 2017.
- The Chicago Manual of Style. LCC:Z253; DC23:808/.0270973. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2017.
- Chicago Manual of Style. The University of Chicago Press, n.d.
[E Book] (on campus)
[E Book] (off campus) - Strunk, William, and White, E. B. (Elwyn Brooks), 1899-. The Elements of Style / by William Strunk Jr. ; with Revisions, an Introduction, and a Chapter on Writing by E. B. White. LCC:PE1408; DC22:808/.042. New York ; Tokyo: Pearson Longman, 2009.
- Strunk, William, White, E. B. (Elwyn Brooks), 1899-, 松本安弘(1929-), and 松本アイリン(1930-). 英語文章読本 / ウィリアム・ストランク,Jr.原著 ; E.B.ホワイト改訂増補・解説 ; 松本安弘,松本アイリン訳・ノート. NDC8:835.1; NDLC:KS63. 東京: 荒竹出版, 1979.
- 「母語でない英語」で学術論文を書くということ[PDF / 片山晶子 東京大学大学総合教育研究センター 駒場ライターズスタジオ](2023)【Campus only】
I.3. Participate in academic reporting and paper writing support services on campus
Here are some support services on campus. Please check the details on each site and use it actively.
Some are not listed here. Contact each department for services provided by your department.
◆ Komaba Writers' Studio(KWS)
◆ English wRIting Consultant (ERIC) / Division of Global Education, IIIEE, School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo
- International students at the University of Tokyo who have been trained as writing tutors provide guidance and feedback on the writing skills of students and staff at the University of Tokyo for scientific theses in English (such as presentations at academic conferences, articles published in academic journals, etc.) and career-related documents (such as resumes and documents for studying abroad).
- Target: All students and staff
◆ English Editing Support Service (Kashiwa) / Kashiwa International Office
- Target: Students, Researchers and employees at the University of Tokyo Kashiwa Campus
◆『UTokyo Writing Resources』site (The Office for Advancement of Research Administrators)
- UTokyo Writing Resources is a place for researchers and students at the University of Tokyo to gather information on writing and submitting papers in English. This site mainly provides information on writing and submitting “papers in English” in the natural sciences.
◆ UTRA Commons: Community Portal for UTokyo Research Administration (The Office for Advancement of Research Administrators)
◆ A page that can be a reference for all students
- Tips for More Effective Technical Writing / Kashiwa International Office
- UTokyo TV (
◆ Writing Support as class subjects
Latest opening status and contents, etc.
- "UTokyo Online Course Catalogue" : Search by keywords such as "academic writing"
* Similar courses are provided in German, French, Chinese, Russian etc. - "MIMA Search"→Search by “paper writing method”
I.4. Participate in training sessions
◆ Training sessions
Training session on how to find papers and use reference management software are held at each campus throughout the year(Held mainly on Zoom from 2020). We also offer free on-site and custom classes.
- Schedule of Database Training Sessions: You can check the calendar for future training schedules.
- Events: You can check detailed information for each session. (Left menu: Training session)
- Visiting Lecture Class: How to apply for On-site training for classes, etc. and for group or individual customized training.
- Textbooks for database training sessions: Text from past training sessions, etc. There are texts for each field and for international students.
◆ Seminar on how to write a paper
Seminars are usually held in November every year. (3 times in a series)
Refer to past documents.
* Refer to Slide of the day => Training session menu -> Textbooks for database training sessions
Reference: Past events
Please refer to the calendar for the previous November. (Japanese only)
◆ External training sessions conducted by publishers, etc.
Schedule is announced on Literacy’s Twitter at any time.
II. What You Need to Know to Write a Report or Paper
1. Composition of the paper
2. How to prepare bibliography and citation lists
3. Using quotations in text
4. Reference management software
5. Prohibiting plagiarism, and research ethics
II.1. Composition of the paper
There is a structure called IMRaD for writing scientific papers. IMRaD is an acronym for Introduction, Methods, Results, and Discussion.
■ Title of the paper
■ Bibliographic information (journal title, author name, affiliated institution, year of publication, volume, page numbers)
■ Abstract
■ Keywords
■ Introduction / ■Methods / ■Results / and ■Discussion
■ References
■ Acknowledgments
Where do I start in terms of structure? What should I write? The books on the reference list (To be a successful researcher: use organizational power to research by Shuji Hasegawa; Books that science students should read first! How to write a science paper in English: Understanding of science paper structure by IMRaD by Akiko Katayama, Takahiro Nakajima, and Yukiko Mishina; etc.) provide recommended methods and alternative methods.
Refer to "Textbook for writing a paper" Paper contribution session Research method useful to write a paper(text in Japanese) (on campus only) on page of textbooks for training sessions.
II.2. How to prepare bibliography and citation lists
The bibliography style is determined by each academic society or journal.
Check the submission rules (guide for authors) and writing outline of the target journal. You can check it on the websites of academic societies and journals. When you check these websites, you may find a description such as “As a rule, refer to APA style for reference style.”
Check the examples below to see how the same journal article is listed as a reference in Vancouver style and Harvard style, respectively.
There are also rules of writing for each medium.
Depending on whether you are citing a book, part of a book, an e-book, etc., a different style is used for listing them in the references.
- "Understanding Bibliographies -Important points for locating documents- by Literacy Section" introduces examples of descriptions for each medium based on the SIST02 style. Please refer to it when you look at the reference list distributed in class.
- The SIST02 style is often used for Japanese citation styles, but its updating stopped at the end of FY2011. Vancouver style is also often used as a numbered style.
Other materials
"How to read a bibliography for beginners" is provided for those who are not familiar.
There is a style guide that shows how to create a bibliography and a guide for writing and submitting articles to each academic society. The following is an example. Check the style guide and submission guide for the academic society you need.
Reference management software is convenient for preparing a bibliography instead of using Word or Excel.
- "Understanding Bibliographies -Important points for locating documents- by Literacy Section" introduces examples of descriptions for each medium based on the SIST02 style. Please refer to it when you look at the reference list distributed in class.
- The SIST02 style is often used for Japanese citation styles, but its updating stopped at the end of FY2011. Vancouver style is also often used as a numbered style.
Other materials
"How to read a bibliography for beginners" is provided for those who are not familiar.
There is a style guide that shows how to create a bibliography and a guide for writing and submitting articles to each academic society. The following is an example. Check the style guide and submission guide for the academic society you need.
Reference management software is convenient for preparing a bibliography instead of using Word or Excel.
- Understanding Bibliographies -Important points for locating documents- by Literacy Section
- Author Guidelines(The journal of the Japan Sociological Society)
- Guide for contributing papers (Japanese Psychological Research)
- Academic societies in Japan Author's Guidelines Portal(JST)
- Recommendations for the Conduct, Reporting, Editing, and Publication of Scholarly work in Medical Journals / ICMJE(International Committee of Medical Journal Editors)
- The MLA Style Center / The Modern Language Association
- (UTokyo OPAC) The MLA Style Manual and Guide to Scholarly Publishing (3rd ed)
- (UTokyo OPAC) Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (7th ed)
- (UTokyo OPAC) A manual for writers of research papers, theses, and dissertations: Chicago Style for students and researchers (9th ed)
- (UTokyo OPAC) The Chicago manual of style (17th ed)
II.3. Using quotations in text
Citations in a paper (citation in text) should also follow the style specified by academic societies and journals.
When you write a paper that is to be posted to academic journal, there may be detailed rules such as how to create figures and tables, the length of the text, how to create paragraphs, and use of abbreviations, in addition to how to write references and in-text citations. There are other rules for posting (such as posting qualifications), so if there is a journal you want to submit your paper to, check the submission rules and the guideline before writing.
II.4. Reference management software
It is difficult to manage the bibliographic information of collected papers by inputting it into Word or Excel and to create a bibliography. It is also difficult to manually arrange references and quotations in the text in accordance with the guide for writing.
“Reference management software” can be used in such situations. It is a management tool that allows you to manage bibliographic information altogether. You can easily create a bibliography or a citation list.You can easily organize your bibliography list and in-text citations by choosing the journal to submit your paper to or a defined style.
Using reference management software when writing a paper can reduce the effort involved in creating and maintaining a bibliography list. We encourage you to use it when you just start preparing a report.
"The reference management software looks useful, but I do not know how to use it...." If so, please join a session on this topic. We hold lectures regularly. Click Events in the left menu!
- See also :Reference management software (Left menu)
II.5. Prohibiting plagiarism, and research ethics
◆ Precautions regarding quoted material
When you use the academic information you have collected in your reports or papers, you need to make a bibliography to clearly distinguish such information from your own work and to identify the sources so that you do not plagiarize other research results.
Bibliographies are intended to acknowledge the work of other authors and to help readers follow the arguments. Keep in mind the following points when you prepare a bibliography.
- Be precise when citing
References should be thoroughly and accurately cited and used in accordance with the original intent of the author. Also, avoid quoting directly from quotations of other documents. - Provide accurate information regarding the source of the citation
In order for the reader to return to the original material, it is important to include the author's name, title, and page number correctly. - Others
- Whether the paper to be cited is a reliable paper (check if the paper you searched on Google Scholar is listed in the literature database purchased by the University of Tokyo).
- The paper of the first discoverer (the paper that describes the law or concept first) must be cited.
◆ Other precautions regarding writing articles
Conflicts of Interest and authorship should also be addressed. The following material for on-campus training session is helpful. (See pages 33 to 44.)
英語論文投稿入門 =Introduction to contributing a paper in English【Campus only】 [PDF / Elsevier Japan K.K.]
◆ Please be careful when you collect materials in the library and use the database.
- Copies of materials in the library⦁ Some libraries have copy machines to copy materials in the library.
In accordance with Article 31 of the Copyright Act, only a partial copy of materials in the library is permitted per person.
In addition, you cannot copy the entire book. Please check the application form before copying in each library.
- Electronic production
As information provided on the Internet, such as academic information databases, e-journals, and writings, photographs, and figures on a website are works of authorship like books and journals owned by libraries, author rights are protected by the Copyright Act. You are not allowed to:- quote sentences or illustrations from a web page without permission of a copyright holder and use them for your web page or report without specifying the source;
- publish music CDs, games, or images from magazines sold on the market on your web page or in your report without permission from the author; or
- copy your friend’s commercially available software without permission.
◆ Reference books and sites regarding copyright
- Information about Copyright / National Diet Library
- Guide for Doctorate Theses and Copyrights Digital Library Section, Academic Information Team, Information Technology Group, Information Systems Department
- Copyright Law of Japan / Copyright Research and Information Center (CRIC)
- Copyright in Japan Q and A/ Copyright Research and Information Center (CRIC)
- FAQ on Copyright Guidelines / Information Processing Society of Japan
- パブリックドメインおよびクリエイティブ・コモンズ・ライセンスで使用可能な素材まとめサイト集 / utelecon
A collection of sites that compile materials available in the public domain and under Creative Commons licenses.Please use the page translation function or other functions on the site you are jumping to.
◆ Reference books on research ethics
Many books about research ethics have been published. It might be helpful to read these books when you just start to write your paper.
You can also borrow such books from the library.
(Reference Information)
・Search by inputting "research ethics" in the University of Tokyo Library OPAC.
1. Research Ethics for Students in the Social Sciences. Springer International Publishing, 2020
When you write a paper, make sure also to check the following materials.
◆On campus
- Guide for Doctorate Theses and Copyrights Digital Library Section, Academic Information Team, Information Technology Group, Information Systems Department
- Code of Conduct for Research / The University of Tokyo
- Lecture「Research Ethics ~ A high standard of research ethics as the ethos of University of Tokyo~」 UTokyo TV (
- 研究論文の作法-法学・政治学分野における博士論文作成に関するガイドライン-(PDF)
3. 出典と引用について/ 東京大学大学院法学政治学研究科 - Guidelines for laboratory researchers at the Graduate School of Medicine of the
University of Tokyo
*SECTION 3: Reporting laboratory research findings: writing and submitting manuscripts - Guidelines for survey researchers at the Graduate School of Medicine of the
University of Tokyo
*SECTION 3: Writing reports of your research and submitting them for publication - 言葉を大切にしよう[改訂増補版]─論文・レポート作成の心得(PDF)/ 東京大学大学院人文社会系研究科・文学部
- 研究倫理綱領 / 東京大学大学院理学系研究科・理学部
- Guidelines for Writing Research Papers and Theses(PDF) / Graduate School of Economics, The University of Tokyo
- 信頼される論文を書くために(PDF) / 東京大学大学院教育学研究科 [第4版]
- "Code of Research Ethic" and "Guidelines for Doctoral Dissertations" / Graduate School of Mathematical Sciences, The University of Tokyo
- Academic Manners / The University of Tokyo Interfaculty Initiative in Information Studies Graduate School of Interdisciplinary Information Studies
◆Off campus
- 国内学会の行動規範・投稿規定 Code of Conduct and Submission Rules for Domestic Academic Societies (HTML / Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST))
- For the Sound Development of Science -The Attitude of a Conscientious Scientist- / Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
- Initiatives for Promotion of Research Integrity / Office for Research Integrity Promotion Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology JAPAN
- Code of Conduct for Scientists / SCIENCE COUNCIL OF JAPAN
- Research Integrity Portal / Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST)
III. Publish a Paper
III.1. Submit a paper to a journal
- When considering which academic journals to submit your paper to, it is helpful to listen to the advice of senior researchers or teachers who are engaged in studying the same field in the laboratory you belong to.
- It may be helpful for you to check if the journal you are considering publishing your papers in is included in major databases and to check the publishing company and website (such as the journal’s Overview and Aims and Scope) to browse the target readers and target fields of the journal.
- Depending on the database, it is also possible to search papers by theme and check the journals carrying that theme. It might be helpful to know the types of journals that tend to carry papers on the same research theme.
- There is also a database that allows you to narrow down the search to papers written by members of the University of Tokyo. The journals to which the teachers have submitted their papers may be helpful. Search the database of the target research field.
■Utilization of indicators
The following academic journal evaluation tools are available as a reference database for your own research.。
- JCR(Journal Citation Reports)allows you to check the impact factor of the journal. The impact factor is an indicator of the impact of the journal. However, please note the following:
- Only the number of paper citations in the past two years is used.
- Averages are used (may be affected by outliers (highly cited papers)).
- Value standards vary by field.
- Numbers cannot be compared between different fields.
- As journals in a comprehensive field have a broader target audience, the value tends to be higher.
- More specialized journals tend to have lower value, as they have a smaller audience than general journals.
- Reference: Writing a paper for a broader target audience in a comprehensive field is more difficult (papers that non-specialists can easily understand are requested). It is less difficult to post your paper to a journal with a special field with limited audience.
- ⦁ It is updated annually.
Journal Citation Reports Training & Support - Web of Science Group (
- Find Journals For Elsevier journals
A service that allows you to enter the title of your paper, abstract, keywords, and field of study in English, and it will show you potential journals to submit to. - Journal suggester For Nature Springer journals
- Journal Finder (Beta) For Wiley journals
- Manuscript Matcher It is available within EndNote. See also here. (Provided by Clarivate) Click here for the introductory blog.
There is a method called "Open Access" that makes papers widely available to the public free of charge in order to have them read by a large number of readers. However, malicious publishing activities such as soliciting paper submissions only for the purpose of earning Open Access submission fees without conducting proper peer review and quality control as an academic journal are considered to be a problem. Please refer to the following documents for more information.
- How to spot a predatory publisher | Wolters Kluwer Wolters Kluwer 2021.9.29
- Choosing a journal for your manuscript | Wolters Kluwer Wolters Kluwer 2021.9.09
- Think Check Submit
III.2. Review
Review is the process by which experts (reviewers and referees) read an academic article submitted to a journal and assess the appropriateness of the article for publication in the journal.
- Many of the reference books also describe the interactions with reviewers. Most of the books note to “be respectful, polite, calm, and logical in your interactions with the reviewers.”
see also:Next steps for revising a journal manuscript Wolters Kluwer 2022.3.14
see also:EDITORIAL AND REVIEW WORK【Campus only】[PDF / Diego Tavares Vasques, Ph.D., ALESS Lab マネージャー](2022.秋) - Web of Science Academy [provided by Clarivate] is a free online course. You can learn about the peer-review process on this site. You can understand the viewpoint of a reviewer.
- If a paper is rejected, you can post the paper to other journals -> It is easy to change the format by creating a reference list using Reference management software.
III.3. Make the paper open access
Open access means that an academic paper is made available on the internet for free so that anyone can freely access it. There are two main approaches to making a paper open access, referred to as green road and gold road.
Green road: A method in which researchers make their papers open access by publishing them in institutional repositories(※1). When posting a paper, etc. in the UTokyo Repository (※2), this method is used for open access.
Gold road: A method of open access by making the journal itself free.
Readers do not have to pay a subscription fee. The author bears the cost (※3) of publication in the journal/magazine.
※1 Academic Institutional Repository is a system in which academic institutions such as universities store and publish research results such as papers.
※2 UTokyo Repository is a service that compiles academic results of the University of Tokyo and distributes them widely to public. Academic results include papers posted to academic journals by faculty members and students at the University of Tokyo, academic dissertations, bulletins, and publications prepared by organizations affiliated with the University of Tokyo. We accept applications for academic information to be distributed at any time. URL:
※3 The cost borne by the author is called "APC” (Article Processing Charge). Some journals offer discounts for members of the University of Tokyo. For more information, please see the APC page on the website of the University Library.
Reference materials
About open access
- Open Access Handbook The University of Tokyo Library System 2017
- パブリック・ドメイン,クリエイティブコモンズとは?(What are Public Domain and Creative Commons?) Please use the page translation function or other functions on the site you are jumping to.
Site to check the terms and conditions of permission to publish on Green Roads.
- SCPJ: Society Copyright Policies in Japan
You can check the list of copyright policies of academic societies and associations in Japan. *Check website of each societies and associations for the latest information. - Sherpa Romeo
An online resource that aggregates and analyses publisher open access policies from around the world and provides summaries of publisher copyright and open access archiving policies on a journal-by-journal basis.
Site that can be helpful when looking for Gold Road open access journals
- DOAJ(Directory of Open Access Journals)
This is a website of a collection of open-access academic journals. The website presents only reputable journals that have been peer-reviewed properly. - Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association Members
This is a website of the “Open Access Academic Publishers Association (OASPA)”. Participation requirements for this association include conducting appropriate review by outside experts and indicating review processes and policies on the websites of journals and publishers.It can be used as a reference tool for judging the credibility of the publisher.
IV. References and Links
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IV. 1. Abbreviations and terms used in the bibliography
Abbreviations may be used in the bibliography to avoid complication. Please note that even words with similar meanings may be used in different ways.
Abbreviation | original meaning | Japanese |
Ann. | Annales | 年報、紀要 |
Annu. | Annual | 年報、年鑑 |
anon. | anonymous | 作者不詳の、匿名の |
app. | appendix | 付録 |
Arch. | Archives | 記録集 |
art. | article | 論文、記事 |
Aufl. | Auflage | 版 |
Bd. | Band | 巻 |
Beil. | Beilage | 追録、補遺 |
Bull. | Bulletin | 会報、報告、紀要 |
c. | copyright | 著作権 |
c., ca. | circa | 約、略 |
cf. | confer(=compare) | 比較、参照、参照せよ |
ch., chap. | chapter | 章 |
col. | column | 欄 |
comp. | compiler | 編纂者 |
comp. | compiled by XX | XXにより編纂された |
conf. | conference | 会議 |
cong. | congress | 議会、会議 |
corr. | correction | 校正、訂正版 |
d. | died | 没 |
Diss. | Dissertation | 学位論文 |
do. | ditto | 同前 |
doc. | document | 文書、書類 |
Einl., Einleitg. | Einleitung | 序論 |
ed. | editor | 編(集)者 |
ed. | edition | 版 |
ed. | edited by XX | XXにより編集された |
e.g. | exempli gratia(=for example) | 例 |
enl. | enlarged | 増補された |
et al. | et alii, et aliae( =and others) | およびその他 |
etc. | et cetera( =and so on) | など |
ex. | exanple, example | 用例 |
f., ff. | and the following pages | 及びそれに続くページ |
fac., facsim. | facsimile | 複写、複製 |
fasc. | fascicle | 分冊 |
fig., figs. | figure(-s) | 図、図解、挿絵 |
front. | frontispiece | とびら、口絵 |
hb., hbk. | hardback | ハードカバー本(本装丁) |
Hft. | Heft | 分冊、号 |
Hg. | Herausgeber | 編者 |
ibid. | ibi’dem | 前掲誌、同誌 |
id. | idem | 同上、同書 |
i.e. | id est | すなわち |
ill., illus. | illustration | 挿絵 |
inc. | including | 含む |
inc. | incorporated | 組み込まれた |
inf. | infra | 下に、以下に |
intro., introd. | introduction | 序文 |
J., jour. | journal | 雑誌、学会誌 |
l., ll. | line(-s) | 行 |
l.c., loc.cit. | loco citato | 上記引用文中に |
mimeo | mimeograph | 謄写版印刷物(手稿コピーなど) |
m.s., mss. | manuscript(-s) | 原稿、写本 |
N/A | not applicable / not available | 適用不可、該当なし/利用不可 |
n., nn | note(-s) | 注釈 |
n.d. | no date of publication | 出版年記載なし |
no. | number | 号 |
n.p. | no place of publication | 発行地記載なし |
n.pag. | no pagination | 頁付けなし |
n.s. | new series | 新シリーズ |
NS | New Style | 新暦 |
op.cit. | opera citat | 前掲(引用)書に |
p., pp. | page(-s) | ページ |
par. | paragraph | 節、段落 |
pat. | patent | 特許 |
pb., pbk. | paperback | ペーパーバック本(紙表紙本) |
pl. | plate | 図版 |
pl. | plural | 複数の |
pref. | preface | 序文、前置き、はしがき |
proc. | proceedings | 議事録、会報 |
pseudo. | pseudonym | 雅号、ペンネーム |
Pt., pt. | part | 部、部分、分冊 |
pub., publ. | publisher | 出版者 |
pub., publ. | publication | 出版物、逐次刊行物 |
pub., publ. | published by XX | XXの出版 |
rev. | review, reviews | 評論誌 |
rev.ed. | revised edition | 改訂版 |
rpt., repn. | reprint, reprinted | 重版、翻刻 |
sec., sect. | section | 節、段落、欄 |
s.l. | sine loco(=no place of publication) | 出版地不明 |
s.n. | sine nomie(=without name) | 作者不詳 |
ser. | series | 双書、シリーズ |
supp. | supplement | 補遺 |
symp. | symposium | シンポジウム、討論会 |
t., tom | tome | 巻(仏) |
tab. | table | リスト、目録 |
T.O.C | table of contents | 目次 |
t.p. | title page | 表紙 |
t.p.verso | title page verso | 裏表紙 |
T.R. | technical report | テクニカル・レポート |
tr., trans. | translator, translation | 翻訳 |
trans. | transaction | 会報、紀要 |
v., vid. | vide | XXを見よ |
viz. | videlicet | すなわち |
v., vol., vols. | volume(-s) | 巻 |
Z. | Zeitschrift | 雑誌 |