Last Update: 2024/5/30

APC (Article Processing Charges) Support, Waivers, and Discounts

 - Advantageous conditions for publishing in Open Access with several publishers



  • Only UTokyo affiliated persons (faculties, staffs and students) can apply these discounts below.
  • Other publishers currently don’t offer a discount on APC for UTokyo institutional subscription.
  • The proportion of the University's share of the APC after the trial period (after 2026) has not yet been determined.
  • In the case of support, waivers and discounts that require approval, unless otherwise stated, the decision to apply the support, exemption or discount is based on the information of only one person who has completed the procedure.
  • If you have any questions about procedure to apply for discount services, please directly contact each publisher.
  • In case you want to make an agreement on APC discount service with publishers at your Graduate School, Department, etc., please let us know certainly. E-journal subscription at entire university may affect the conditions.
  • Recommended Mail addresses for Submissions
  • Contact Us




Discounts and vouchers for APCs are available with these publishers below.

Discount information other than APC related to article submission


  • Target journal: “Science Advances” (Gold OA / launched Feb. 2015)
  • Conditions:
    Institutional subscription discount (AAAS membership discount is also available)
  • How-to-Apply:
    Enter “University of Tokyo” in the item ”Affiliation discount” of the application form, click ”Search”and select the name of university.
  • Discount rate:
  • Notes:
    Other AAAS[American Association for the Advancement of Science] journals (“Science”, “Science Signaling”, “Science Translational Medicine”)are excluded from this discount.
  • Website:

ACS American Chemical Society


  • Target journal:
    Four journals
    • Endocrine-Related Cancer (Hybrid OA)
    • Journal of Endocrinology (Hybrid OA)
    • Journal of Molecular Endocrinology (Hybrid OA)
    • Reproduction (Hybrid OA)
  • Conditions:
    Institutional subscription (Non-profit subscribers) discount
  • How-to-Apply:
    unknown (please directly contact the publisher)
  • Discount rate:
  • Notes:
    All Bioscientifica articles are released free of charge after 12 months of publication (no APC payment by the author is required); authors must pay APC only if they wish to make the article Open Access upon publication.
  • Website:
    "Bioscientifica's open-access policy"in Bioscientifica website

CUP Cambridge University Press

  • Target journal:
    【2024】 Target journal(Target journal list [EXCEL]
    Please check the following website for the journals covered by this agreement, as it will be updated from time to time.
    "Open access waivers and discounts" in CUP website
  • Applicable period:
    Ongoing - 2025/12/31
  • Target article type:
    • Research Article
    • Review Article
    • Rapid Communication
    • Brief Reports (add in 2021)
    • Case Reports (add in 2021)
  • Conditions:
    Corresponding author can receive an Institutional R&P contract discount.
    • Corresponding Author Definition in CUP website
    • Click here for the email address used for submissions.
    • Check your e-mail address domain registered in submission system.
    • Within the applicable period, your article must be accepted and your APC funding request must be approved by the library.
  • How-to-Apply:
    After the decision of accepting, if you select to publish OA at your author publishing agreement process, an APC waiver request will be sent to the library and full APC waiver will be applied after request approval.
    • Guide for Authors [PDF]
    • How to convert your article to Open Access after publication as a regular article
      (For articles published in 2023, you can make your article Open Access at the University's expense by submitting a request using the web form on the following website by the end of March 2024.)
      Convert your article to Open Access
  • Support rate:
  • Website:

Company of Biologists

  • Target journal:
    Three journals
    • Development (Hybrid OA)
    • Journal of Cell Science (Hybrid OA)
    • Journal of Experimental Biology (Hybrid OA)
  • Applicable period:
    (GMT)2023/1/1 - 2025/12/31
    (JST)2023/1/1 9:00 - 2026/1/1 8:59
  • Conditions:
    Corresponding author can receive an Institutional R&P contract discount.
    • Corresponding author must be affiliated with the University of Tokyo.
    • Click here for the email address used for submissions.
    • Within the applicable period, your article must be accepted and your APC funding request must be approved by the library.
  • How-to-Apply:
    After the decision of accepting, you send APC funding request on payment system. After being approved the request, you do not need to pay any APC.
  • Support rate:
  • Website:
    "Guide for authors" in COB website

De Gruyter

  • Target journal:
    Hybrid or Full OA journals within Complete Package (Target journal list [EXCEL] *2023/12/27 revised)
  • Applicable period:
    Ongoing - 2024/12/31
  • Conditions:
    Institutional subscription discount
    • Corresponding author must be affiliated with the University of Tokyo.
    • The article must be accepted within the applicable period.
  • How-to-Apply:
    If the Corresponding author's affiliation is the University of Tokyo, the discount will be automatically applied.
  • Discount rate:
  • Website:
    "OPEN ACCESS AGREEMENTS" in De Gruyter website


  • Please click here for details. (Internal access only)

ICE Publishing

  • Target journal:
    All titles
  • Conditions:
    Institutional subscription discount
  • How-to-Apply:
    unknown (please directly contact the publisher)
  • Discount rate:
  • Website:
    "Open access at ICE Publishing" in ICE Publishing website


  • Please click here for details. (Internal access only)

MDPI Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute

  • Target journal:
    All titles
  • Conditions:
    Institutional Open Access membership Program discount (Valid to submission after Feb. 8, 2018)
  • How-to-Apply:
    Select “University of Tokyo” from the institution list on the submission form.
  • Discount rate:
  • Notes:
    • APCs are to be paid by the authors (non-central invoicing).
    • Discounts are also available on Open Access book publication fees (10%) and English editing fees (15%).
  • Website :

National Academy of Sciences / PNAS

  • Target journal:
    “PNAS; Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America”
  • Target article type:
    Regular research articles (Immediate Open Access)
  • Conditions:
    Institutional subscription (site license) discount
  • How-to-Apply:
    unknown (please directly contact the publisher)
  • Discounted rate:
    See the following webpage: “Publication Charges” in PNAS website
  • Notes:
    • All PNAS articles, regardless of their license, are free within six months of publication.
    • There is no discount for Regular research articles (Delayed open access) and Brief Report articles.
  • Website:

OUP Oxford University Press

  • Please click here for details. (Internal access only)
    *The APC subscription term discount to "Nucleic Acids Research" (Gold OA) has ended on December 31, 2022.

Portland Press (Biochemical Society)

  • Target journal:
    Seven journals
    • Biochemical Journal (Hybrid OA)
    • Biochemical Society Transactions (Hybrid OA)
    • Clinical Science (Hybrid OA)
    • Essays in Biochemistry (Hybrid OA)
    • Emerging Topics in Life Sciences (Hybrid OA)
    • Bioscience Reports (Full OA)
    • Neuronal Signaling (Full OA)
  • Conditions:
    Corresponding author can receive an Institutional R&P contract discount.
    • Corresponding author must be affiliated with the University of Tokyo.
  • How-to-Apply:
    R&P workflow in Portland Press website
    • Click here for the email address used for submissions.
    • For Full OA journal: After the decision of accepting, you will be informed that APC will be covered for Open Access.
    • For Hybrid OA journal: After the decision of accepting, you will receive an e-mail from publisher confirming if you wish to publish in Open Access. You do not need to pay any APC if you choose to publish in Open Access.
  • Support rate:
  • Website:

RUP Rockefeller University Press

  • Target journal:
    Three journals
    • Journal of Cell Biology (Hybrid OA)
    • Journal of Experimental Medicine (Hybrid OA)
    • Journal of General Physiology (Hybrid OA)
  • Applicable period:
    (EST)2023/1/1 - 2024/12/31
    (JST)2023/1/1 14:00 - 2025/1/1 13:59
  • Conditions:
    Primary corresponding author can receive an Institutional R&P contract discount.
    • Corresponding author must be affiliated with the University of Tokyo.
  • How-to-Apply:
    Select “The University of Tokyo” from the institution list on the submission form, and choose "Read & Publish transitional agreement" on the licensing procedure after acceptance of your paper.
  • Support rate:
  • Notes:
    Upon publication, it will be appeared that the paper was funded by the University of Tokyo.
  • Website:

RSC Royal Society of Chemistry

  • Please click here for details. (Internal access only)


  • Target journal:
    Eleven journals
    • Physical Review C (APS)
    • Physical Review D (APS)
    • Physical Review Letters (APS)
    • Nuclear Physics B (Elsevier)
    • Physics Letters B (Elsevier)
    • Advances in High Energy Physics (Hindawi)
    • Chinese Physics C (IOP Publishing/Chinese Physical Society)
    • Acta Physica Polonica B (Jagellonian University)
    • Progress of Theoretical & Experimental Physics (OUP/Physical Society of Japan)
    • European Physical Journal C (SpringerNature)
    • Journal of High Energy Physics (SpringerNature)
  • Conditions:
    Under the SCOAP3 project, peer-reviewed articles in the field of HEP published in the above-mentioned eligible journals will be made available as open access articles on the publisher platform and the SCOAP3 repository.
  • Discount rate:
  • Website:

SPIE (The international society for optics and photonics)

  • Target journal:
    All titles
  • Conditions:
    Author can receive an Institutional subscription discount.
  • How-to-Apply:
    select & enter "The University of Tokyo" on the submission form.
  • Discount rate:
  • Website:

Springer Nature

  • Please click here for details. (Internal access only)


  • Please click here for details. (Internal access only)

Discount information other than APC related to article submission

EDP Sciences (European Southern Observatory)

  • Subject:
    Page charge of Astronomy and Astrophysics(eISSN: 1432-0746)
    * Astronomy and Astrophysics APC is free as long as "Subscribe to Open" is established.
  • Conditions:
    Institutional subscription discount
    This applies when the first author is affiliated to the University.
  • How-to-Apply:
    unknown (please directly contact the publisher)
  • Discount rate:
  • Notes:
    Authors working in countries that do not sponsor A&A pay page charges at the rate of 100 euros per page (excluding appendices).
  • Website:
    A&A Subscribe to Open FAQs in Astronomy and Astrophysics website




Recommended Mail addresses for Submissions

  • To ensure the prompt approval of your OA publication application, we appreciate your cooperation below.
    • In order to ensure enrolment smoothly, please take the following actions. If enrolment cannot be confirmed, approval may be delayed or may not be possible.

      • From 'パーソナルメニュー'(Personnnel menu) in '職員名簿' (Personnel directory), register the email address to be used for submissions as the '学内メールアドレス' (campus email address).

      • Register the e-mail address you used for the submission into MyOPAC User Information. (If you have not yet registered as a library user, or if you need to renew your registration, please complete the procedure the library of your department.)
        Email address registration on MyOPAC [PDF/Japanese]
    • Please use an email address with the “” domain when submitting papers.
      *Some publishers may not consider you to be affiliated with the University of Tokyo if your e-mail address is in the domain issued by the department.
        For this reason, the addresses below are recommended for submissions:
        ECCS Cloud Mail(×× Staff Mail(××

Supplement , Reference materials


  • PLOS and Frontiers Media discount service on APC is not available at UTokyo.
  • Regardless of subscriptions or agreements by our institution, a society publisher sometimes offers a membership discount for its members. Details should be confirmed in the submission policy.

Reference materials

Related links

Contact Us

Please use the form below to send us your questions or comments.
*You must be logged in with your UTokyo account to access the form.

  • Questions about publishing OA articles in academic journals(Inquiry Form
  • Opinions on publishing OA articles in academic journals(Opinion Form