E-journal & E-book Portal

Off-Campus Open

E-journals and E-books available at the University of Tokyo can be accessed from this E-journal & E-book Portal.
For off-campus access, please click "Access to Databases (EZproxy)".

Please enter a journal title in the search window.  The "Search for keywords in e-resources" option below the search window is recommended for users who want to search journals from publisher's name.

When searching for e-books and e-journals in Japanese, the keyword search may not yield any hits. In such cases, please perform a forward match search for the title in  "Browse e-journals by title (alphabetical order/title list)" or use the full title search in the search window. Also, please try searching at the University of Tokyo OPAC.

ProQuest (Library System)
access to full text
source type
  • Books
  • Journal Articles
General Fields
Japanese, Western language