The National Central Library (NCL) began in 2012 to establish Taiwan Resource Center for Chinese Studies (TRCCS) at major universities and research institutes abroad, and aims to promote international exchanges in Chinese studies and Taiwan studies. On December 2014, the 1st TRCCS in Japan was established at the University of Tokyo Library System. |
The National Central Library, Taiwan |
On December 12, 2014, a commemoration ceremony and workshop were held at the Komaba campus to mark a cooperative memorandum between the University of Tokyo Library System and the National Central Library (NCL), Taiwan. Initiatives decided upon under the memorandum include the following:
(1)The establishment of a Taiwan Resource Center for Chinese Studies (TRCCS) at the University of Tokyo, and the donation of books from the NCL.
(2)The holding of lectures on Taiwan Chinese studies. (Yearly)
(3)The use of digital data provided by the NCL via the Internet.
(4)Other exchange initiatives.
Within the University of Tokyo Library System, the New Library Project, which will greatly expand the General Library at the Hongo campus, has been progressing well, and, as a part of this, plans are being made for the establishment of the Asian Research Library. Prior to the opening of this addition to the library system, the Uehiro Project for the Asian Research Library (U-PARL) was established and is working with the aim of constructing a base for linking the library with research on Asia. The cooperative agreement with the NCL is also being viewed as part of the process in building up the Asian Research Library.
In regard to item (1) above, a TRCCS will be established inside the Asian Research Library in the future, and is planned to function as a one stop center for research on Asia. Until the library is opened, however, as a temporary measure plans have been made for housing the TRCCS in the basement repository of the Komaba Library and provisions will be made for the cataloging and use of the books that were donated at the library’s request.
Following, in regard to item (2), the first Taiwan Chinese studies lecture, titled “GIS and Chinese Studies,” is planned for November 27, 2015.
Further, in regard to item (3), after almost a year of sorting and adjusting by staff, it is now possible to access these resources. Specifically available are the following: National Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations in Taiwan; Index to Taiwan Periodical Literature System; Union Catalog of Rare Books Database; E-Publication Platform System; National Taiwan Normal University Library Rare Book Collection Museum Digital Archive System; Full-Text Image System for Books of Japanese Ruled Period; Full-Text Image System for Periodicals of Japanese Ruled Period; and, Chinese Studies and Taiwan Studies materials. The above represent Chinese classical works, publications from Japan ruled period Taiwan, Taiwanese journal essays, and master’s/doctoral theses, etc. As well as providing valuable research resources from a full spectrum of fields - not merely those related to the study of literature, history, and philosophy and Chinese studies at the University of Tokyo - this opportunity will undoubtedly contribute to further encouraging scholarly exchange between Taiwan and the University of Tokyo. We look forward to welcoming many library users from in and outside of the university.
Shin Kawashima
Professor, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences
Head of Taiwan Resource Center for Chinese Studies
2020/10/1 The Asian Research Library has opened.
2020/9/16 The materials held by TRCCS have been moved from the Komaba Library to the Asian Research Library (location: 4th floor of the General Library).
2017/10/13 The 2nd Taiwan Lectures on Chinese Studies will be held.
2017/08/30 A new database “經典人文學刊庫 Sinica Sinoweb” is available now.
- 2015/11/27 The 1st Taiwan Lectures on Chinese Studies will be held.
- 2015/11/25 This webpage was opened.
- 2014/12/10 The director general of the National Central Library and the head librarian of the University of Tokyo Library System signed a MOU, TRCCS at UTokyo was established.
The 12th TRCCS Established in the University of Tokyo (NCL website)
- 臺灣博碩士論文知識加値系統 National Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations in Taiwan
A database of doctoral and master's thesis created by the National Central Library. In addition to using the search function, you can download the full text of the electronic version (excluding those for limited use in the National Central Library, account registration required).
- 期刊文獻資訊網(旧 臺灣期刊論文索引系統) NCL Taiwan Periodical Literature (Formerly: PerioPath)
A database of journal articles created by the National Central Library. In addition to using free content, you can browse the full text of the electronic version limited to the National Central Library (on-campus only).
- 中文古籍聯合目録 Union Catalog of Rare Books Database
A comprehensive database of classical books created by the National Central Library. Not only can you use the search function and view the frontispiece images, but you can also view all the images of all the volumes and leaves that are available only in the National Central Library (on-campus only).
- 電子書刊送存閲覽服務系統 E-Publication Platform System (EPS)
An e-book lending / viewing system created by the National Library. You can borrow and read e-books from the National Central Library (account registration required).
- 經典人文學刊庫 Sinica Sinoweb
A database of humanities periodical treatises created by Academia Sinica. Not only can you use the full-text search function, but you can also browse the full text (on-campus only).
- 國立臺灣師範大學善本古籍數位典藏系統 National Taiwan Normal University Library Rare Book Collection Museum Digital Archive System
You can use the National Taiwan Normal University's on-campus-only database to view images of rare and classic books owned by the university's library (on-campus only).
- 日治時期圖書影像系統 Image System for Books of Japanese-ruled Period
You can use the National Central Library's internal database to browse electronic versions of the library's books on Taiwan during the Japan-ruled period (on-campus only).
- 日治時期期刊影像系統 Image System for Periodicals of Japanese-ruled Period
You can browse electronic versions of the National Central Library's journals related to Taiwan during the Japan-ruled period using the library's internal database (on-campus only).
- 漢學研究資料庫 Chinese Studies
- 臺灣研究資料庫 Taiwan Studies
Useful links for Chinese and Taiwanese studies published by TRCCS, the National Central Library. Home > Resources > Related Links (off-campus access available)
- Literacy (University of Tokyo Library System)
The Literacy site provides information on academic information literacy for the University of Tokyo members.