Stack Materials

* This is the user guide for use of "Stack materials" (except Japanese and Chinese classics). For use of the "Stack materials (Japanese and Chinese classics)", please go to; Stack materials (Japanese and Chinese classics).

Service hour

  • Weekday 9:00‐17:00
    • 12:00-13:00  Circulation is stopped
  • Weekend・Holiday Not in service


  Admission Browse Copy Borrow
UTokyo students OK OK OK OK
UTokyo faculty OK OK OK OK
UTokyo professors emeritus and
former faculty
Alumni NG OK OK NG
General Public NG OK OK NG




  • Touch your UTokyo identification card or library card at the entrance to the stacks.
  • No bags or sacks into the stack is not permitted in the stacked. Leave them in a locker at the entrance of the stacks.


  • Those not permitted to enter the stacks may write down the call numbers and titles of materials request available a request form at Stack Counter.
  • All users must use a form when requesting materials located in the closed stacks or collection room, doctoral dissertations, journals in the back number center, and so forth. The service is available from 9:00 to 12:00 and from 13:00 to 17:00 on weekdays. (Materials located in the closed stacks can be requested when Stack Counter is open.)


  • Browse materials on the reading seats at Stack Counter.
  • Materials in the Collection Room and dissertations are available from 9:00 to 17:00 on weekdays.


Users can borrow stack materials only at Stack Counter.
Stack materials cannot be borrowed at Service Counter or the reception desk, or via check-out machines.

* incl. Stack materials (Japanese and Chinese classics)
Asian Research Library materials

Undergraduate students,
Administrative personnel,
Former faculty

3 vols. for 14 days
Renewal; up to 2 times
(Bound journals; 7 days, up to 1 times for renewal)
20 vols. for 30 days
Renewal; up to 2 times
* incl. Asian Research Library materials in the Automated Storage.

Graduate students,
Part-time faculties,
Research fellow

50 vols. for 30days
Renewal; up to 5 times
* incl. Asian Research Library materials in the Automated Storage.

Full-time faculties,
Professors emeritus

20 vols. for 30 days
Renewal; up to 1 times
(Bound journal; 3vols for 7 days)

  Note:If a due date falls on a day the library closed, the next business day shall apply.
  Note:5vols. for one-day borrowing.


  • All the following conditions must be met for renewal.
    • Not overdue.
    • Not reserved by another user.
    • Not under penalty.
    • Not current-day loan.
  • Process
    • You can renew some stack books via MyOPAC 24 hours a day.
    • Bring materials you would like to renew and your student ID or faculty ID card to Stack Counter.
    • You can renew some stack materials such as Japanese-style books via inquiry form.
      • inquiry:
        • "Request to extend borrowing period"
        • Your name
        • user code (10-digit number displayed on your library card)
        • title
        • call number of the material
      • >> The inquiry form


  • You may reserve a book that is currently checked out (up to 3 volumes).
  • Process
    • While logged in to MyOPAC, find your desired material on OPAC and click "Reserve".
      • "Reserve" will not appear for large books (i.e, call numbers beginning with "BA" to "BZ"), damaged materials, and materials published before 1900. Please visit the library to use those materials.
    • Order at Stack Counter to reserve materials that are not listed on OPAC.
    • When the materials you have reserved become available for use, you will be notified via e-mail or telephone.


  • Please return materials to Stack Counter when it is open, or the reception desk when Stack Counter is closed.
  • Stack Materials published after 1900 can also be returned at the library counter in the Komaba Campus and Kashiwa Campus.
  • Please DO NOT place them in the book drop. Please DO NOT return them by mail either.
  • Penalties apply for overdue items.
    • Additional borrowing is not permitted while overdue materials are held.
    • If the due date is exceeded, borrowing is not permitted for a period equal to the number of days past the due date the material was returned.


Because the majority of the materials held in the stacks are fragile due to age, the following restrictions have been set for conservation purposes.

  • The photocopying of large books (i.e, call numbers beginning with "BA" to "BZ"), damaged materials, and materials published before 1900 is not permitted.
    If you need copies of these materials, submit a request at the counter.
    • From 10:00a.m. to 4:30p.m. (except 12:00-13:00) *Same-day pickup is available until 16:00
    • Depending on the quantity and condition of the materials, Same-day pickup may not be available even if it is within the reception time. Thank you for your understanding.
  • Other materials can be copied using the photocopy machine.
  • Before copying, materials should be checked by library staff to determine whether they can be copied using the photocopy machine.


Please handle the materials in the stack carefully, as many of them are old and deteriorated.

Requests for Use:

  • You can bring wallets, your library card (i.e. student ID card) and some papers of the details of materials in the stack.

  • Taking eating, and drinking is prohibited.

  • You can bring your mobile phone. But photography and video recording are prohibited.

  • WC and reading desks are available OUTSIDE of the stack.

  • Please ask at the stack counter to read or take photocopies in the library.

  • Older materials may contain chemicals that are not in used in the present due to health issues. If you are concerned, please ask the staff at the counter for masks and gloves to be provided.