[For members of School of Science] Science Library Display: Pioneer in Conchology: People Fascinated by Shellfish (July 26 – Oct. 28)

Shellfish have been treated as valuable thing, and it used for Money, accessories and ornaments. In this modern age, the research subjects are the morphology and classification of shellfish, the shape of shellfish, regularity and diversity, diversity of patterns, habitat of shellfish, etc. It has moved from a hobby to a subject of study, from collecting to sketching, and from classification to research.

The study of shellfish begins with collecting. Its conchology, especially taxonomy, has been developed by collectors and researchers as if wheels of cars. In this mini exhibition, we will focus on the main collectors and researchers who pioneered shellfish research, and will exhibit related materials held by the Science Library.

Some books will be rotated during the exhibition period. We hope you get relaxed by illustrations of cool looking shellfish while you are at the library.

  • Dates: July 26 (Mon.) - October 28 (Thu.), 2021 (except for closing days)
  • Place: Science Library (Bldg.1), third floor, Lounge

When entering the library, please disinfect your fingers with alcohol and check your temperature. Thank you for your cooperation.

Illustration of shellfish