[Event Archive] Science Library Display 2022
The Science Library holds mini-exhibitions on an irregular basis to display and introduce several items from our diverse collection. In FY2022, follwing exhibits were held. We hope you enjoy them.
■ 1st Librarian Recommended Books: Manuscripts depicting the calendar and ceremonies of the Nahua people, the indigenous people of Mexico.【December 1-26, 2022】
In this mini-exhibition, three manuscripts were on display as books recommended by a librarian. They are beautiful and attractive with vivid colors. Some of the books are only held by our library in Japan.
~Book List~
- Descripción del Códice Cospiano(Danesi, 1898)
- Il manoscritto Messicano Vaticano 3773 : Riprodotto in fotocromografia(Danesi, 1896)
- Il manoscritto Messicano borgiano(Danesi, 1898)
*Click on the title of the book to see information on UTokyo OAPC.

■Kono Yasui (1880-1971) : First Woman Doctor of Science in Japan【June 20-October 21, 2022】
Tokyo Imperial University accepted women as audience students about 100 years ago in 1920, and women as reguler students were admitted in 1946.
Kono Yasui (1880-1971) was a female researcher to continue her research at Tokyo Imperial University before them. She studied botany and coal under Professor Kiichi Miyake in the Faculty of Agriculture and Professor Kenjiro Fujii in the Faculty of Science at Tokyo Imperial University, and in 1927 she became the first woman doctor of science in Japan.
In the exhibit, we displayed academic papers written by her up to the time she became a doctor and documents related to her achievements. We presented original goods for visitors who filled out a questionnaire.