Search on the Library catalogue (OPAC) to locate the item you wish to consult or borrow.
You need to select the General Library from the list of Locations to see whether the item is available for OPAC. Each subject is given a classification to help you find the book you want.
You should take care to note down the floor and the classification number exactly, including any punctuation. Shelf numbers may include one or more decimal points. The books are placed in numerical sequence on the shelves. You can find out where the floor and the shelf are located by checking the floorplans or asking a library staff.
OPAC will show if the book you want is available or “on loan”. Available items should be found on the shelves on the subject floors. You can only request items that are “on loan”. You will need to sign in with your MyOPAC to reserve the book.
Further information >>OPAC User's Guide