Taiwan Shiho (Taiwan Private Law) and Appendix Reference Book of the Temporary Commission for the Investigation of Taiwan Traditional Customs

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Taiwan Shiho (Taiwan Private Law) is a report by the Temporary Commission for the Investigation of Taiwan Traditional Customs on the public and private laws and legal customs of the Han Chinese community in Taiwan since the ancient times. The survey was led by Santaro Okamatsu, Professor of Law at Kyoto Imperial University. Although this survey was conducted based on the needs of Taiwan Sotokufu, Okamatsu investigated and researched the traditional customs of the time in Taiwan based on the concept of modern law, and the results are excellent and can be called a "compendium of Taiwanese private law. Although it has been 100 years since the publication of this book, it is still an indispensable and important source for the study of the legal system, society, and economic history of the Qing dynasty and Taiwan.

Taiwan Resource Center for Chinese Studies (TRCCS), National Central Library (Taiwan)(Asian Research Library)
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  • Books
  • Court Decisions & Laws
History & Geography, Humanities & Social Sciences, Politics & Law, Society & Education, (Social Science) Others