Quan Guo Bao Kan Suo Yin (CNBKSY) 全国報刊索引


This is a database of journals and newspapers published from the end of the Qing dynasty to the era of the Republic of China. 

You can use multiple contents :e.g.
・晩清期刊全文数拠庫(1833 - 1911)
・中文期刊全文数拠庫(1911 - 1949)1-10輯
  ・『大公報』(1902 - 1949)
  ・『大美晩報(The Shanghai Evening Post & Mercury)』(1929 - 1949)
  ・『上海晩郵(The Shanghai Evening Courier)』(1869 - 1874)
  ・『中華快報(The Shanghai Courier & China Gazette)』(1876 - 1878)
  ・『上海差報(The Shanghai Courier)』(1878 - 1884)

Simultaneous Access: 1

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Toho Shoten
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source type
  • Journal Articles
  • Newspaper Articles
General Fields, History & Geography, Society & Education, (Natural Science) Others
Western language, Chinese