The Rules about Drinks in Science Library

The rules about drinks in Science Library (Bldg.1) and Library of Chemistry (Chemistry Bldg.) are partially changed after August 1, 2023. 


【Drinks that may be brought into the libraries】

Drinks in containers with tightly closed lids; plastic bottles, water bottles, etc.

・Do not bring containers with unclosable lids; to-go cups, drinks with straws, etc.
・Liquor is not allowed.

【Where you may drink】

Reading seats, Lounge*, Seminar room*

・Drinking is not permitted between bookshelves, near machines (PCs and copiers), and in the priolity seat for specical materials*.
・Do not drink while walking in the library.
・Always close the lids except when drinking.

*These areas are located on the 3rd floor of Science Library.


  • If you spill drink, please notify staffs immediately. Leaving it as it is may cause mold and insect damage.

  • Please be sure to dispose of trash by yourself. Trash cans are located outside the libraries, in front of the restrooms and in the hallways.

  • No food is allowed inside the libraries. Please eat outside the libraries.

(July 31,2023)