Science Library Display:1st Librarian Recommended Books : Manuscripts depicting the calendar and ceremonies of the Nahua people, the indigenous people of Mexico.(Dec. 1-26, 2022)

In this mini-exhibition, three manuscripts are on display as books recommended by a librarian. They are beautiful and attractive with vivid colors.

Some of the books are only held by our library in Japan. We hope that you will enjoy the exhibition as you turn through the pages them by yourself.

  • Dates:Dec. 1 (Thu.)-Dec. 26 (Mon.), 2022 (Except for closing days)
  • Place:Science Library (Bldg.1), 3rd floor

When entering the library, please disinfect your fingers with alcohol. Thank you for your cooperation.

State of mini-exhibition
State of mini-exhibition
(December 1, 2022)