Cambridge Structural Database:CSD

On-Campus Only

This database provides data for small-molecule organic and metal-organic crystal structures since 1965.

Important: To use this database, you need to submit document related to the CSD license agreement in advance.
How to apply:
(1) Fill out and submit the "Application form" below.
(2) Library staff will contact you with the documents and other details related to the license agreement.
(3) Submit the documents to your home library.
(4) After submitting the documents, you will be notified of the ActivationKey required for installation on your PC.
(5) After installing the application on your PC, the database becomes available for use.
  *About 20GB of free disk space is required.
  *One application can be installed on one PC.
  *Activation Key expires on 31 March every year. Please apply again from the "Application form" below even if you are continuing to use the service from the previous year.

Application form
An auto-reply e-mail will be sent to you. Please wait for the contact person to contact you (please also check the description of the e-mail reply).

CAS:Chemical Abstracts Service
access to full text
source type
  • others
Medicine & Life Science & Biology & Pharmacy, Technology & Engineering & Mathematics, Chemistry, Physics & Astronomy & Geoscience
Japanese, Western language