Database of Chinese Classic Ancient Books(中国基本古籍庫)


The Zhongguo jiben guji ku contains approximately 10,000 texts from the pre-Qin period through to the Republican period. All texts are fully searchable. It includes photographic images of the original texts.

Login method
1. Check "Ancient Classics" and click the Login button
2. Click "Register" without entering anything on the next screen
3. The menu screen will be displayed, so select "Chinese Basic Ancient Books V8.0"
4. Read the notes on use, and click the last "I read"
5. The document list will be displayed
6. When you finish, please finish from "exit" at the top right of the screen

(Concurrent users: 5. )

Toho Shoten (U-PARL)
access to full text
source type
  • Books
  • Old Documents & Rare Books
Philosophy & Psychology, History & Geography