Zenkoku Shokokaigisho Kankei Shiryou (Chamber of Commerce and Industry Related Collection)


This database provides materials of Chamber of Commerce and Industry which contributed to the development of modern Japan.
Collection I: 東京商工会議所関係資料(明治10年-昭和40年) Materials of the Tokyo Chamber of Commerce and Industry issued from 1877 to 1965.
Collection II: 東アジア日本人商工会議所関係資料(明治36年-昭和20年) Materials of the Japanese Chamber of Commerce and Industry in East Asia countries e.g. Korea, Taiwan, Sakhalin, Manchuria, and China in the pre-war period.
Collection III: 国内各地商工会議所および日本商工会議所関係資料(明治20年-昭和20年)Periodicals of monthly, annual and report issued by the Chamber of Commerce and the Tokyo Chamber of Commerce.

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J-DAC(The Library of Economics)
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Economics & Management & Business