Searching through the Card Catalog

For materials that are not recorded in OPAC (such as those that were stored in to the library before 1986), please search through the card catalog.

Materials stored in the Komaba Library and the College of Arts and Sciences Departments

Card catalogs for the following genres can be found on the 1st and 2nd floor of the Komaba Library.

  1. Catalog for materials written in Japanese, Chinese, or Korean.
    A catalog for materials in Komaba Library that are written in Japanese, Chinese, or Korean.
  2. Foreign material catalog and First Higher School Catalog.
    A catalog for foreign materials placed in the Komaba Library and a catalog for materials placed in the former First Higher School.
  3. Graduate School of Arts and Sciences Catalog (both for materials written in Japanese, Chinese, or Korean and for other foreign materials) .
    A catalog for all materials found in department of the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences. 

How to use the Card Catalog

The card catalogs in Komaba Library are separated between materials written in Japanese, Chinese, or Korean and foreign materials.
The materials are organized in alphabetic order of the author's names. 
Please use the book title instead of the name of the author when you are looking for materials that has more than three authors, when the author of the material is unknown, and in the case of encyclopedias and dictionaries. 
In most cases, materials found in the card catalogs are located out of the library, in places such as departments.

How to Look at the Card Catalogs

The author name catalogs looks like the sample below.
The author name is written at the top center, the location of the material at the top left, and right below that is the call number of the material.
For the usage of each location, please go to Departments in Komaba I Campus page.
The labels "一研図" and "ニ研図" found on the left side of the cards does not describe the location of the material, so please see the location written right below.

Example: An Author Card of Graduate School of Arts and Sciences catalog

Card sample